Emotional Turbulence

Melissa Lamm – Someone I Forget

I am obsessed with the track; I love the 80's synth influence and the compelling lyrics. The sound is reminiscent of bands like Chvrches, Lights and TNAF. Personally, I am a sucker for any throwback to the 80’s synth sound and it is perfectly executed here. Whoever produced this track should feel thoroughly satisfied with the work they did. This is a deceptively up-tempo pop bop with lyrics that deliver a potent emotional gut punch. It is clear this song is about a relationship that is toxic in nature; there are many types of relationships be they with people or things. The lyrics in this track can really apply to anything that fits into the broad category that is relationships.

Even more so than usual this will not be an objective analysis of a track. This is because from the very first listen I was transported instantly back to High School and a relationship I had. This song just describes it perfectly and I cannot really think of anything else when I listen so everything I say will be coming my especially skewed perspective. It is a tale as old as time; I was there for this person after every heart break or fight, whenever they needed help with school work the list goes on. I felt something but it wasn’t shared between us and I wanted to will a romance into existence I was “praying like my hands are tied”. As this song states I knew in the back of mind it probably wouldn’t be good for me but I that didn’t change how I felt and I put myself through the ache time and time again as every once in a while, I felt like maybe something was about to change. I don’t believe this person was intentionally using me or sending out mixed signals but that didn’t change how I was affected, which is perfectly illustrated here:

“Break my heart like its easy

Stitch me up where I’m bleeding

And you’ll do it all a thousand times again

But you call like you miss me

And I fall for it wishing

Maybe someday you’ll be someone I forget”

Love is weird, it can be hard to describe and certainly alters your thinking at times. Here I was already experiencing heartache and pain yet I was wishing for essentially more agony. I wanted them to be “someone I forget”. I wanted a relationship despite knowing it wouldn’t last. I hoped their feelings would shift if I waited long enough but I eventually discovered “the jokes on me.” In the end I put myself out there perhaps a little too strong 😆 and I was basically ghosted.  You live and you learn; this particular lesson was a harsh one for a seventeen-year-old me to learn. Once it was all said and done it turned out to be for the better.

My personal story aside. This track is a stunning illustration of unrequited love in its many forms. I admire how perfectly well Melissa conveys her point in this track; it is something that she always accomplishes. I find the writing in this track to be truly remarkable; there is so much to unpack. As artists iterate on their sound, I sometimes feel that what I enjoyed about them gets lost in the shuffle. In the case of Melissa’s music, I have instead found myself becoming more enthusiastic about her sound with each new release.   


Hadi – The Days

Speaking of an artist that consistently amazes me Hadi’s new single The Days is a ridiculously astounding bop from beginning to end. I never know exactly what to expect when it comes to his music as he is always changing things up in new and exciting ways.

Given the vibe of this track I could see it appearing in an indie rom com during the montage where the couple in question is falling in love and their relationship is blossoming. This is the hopeless romantic in me making everything about a romance. Once again it made me think of a particular relationship that I had that was a stark contrast to the one I mentioned in discussing the previous track. I will spare every one the story this time but needless to say the tracks I dove into this week caused me some emotional turbulence as I reflected on two profoundly different experiences.

Within the context of the song, it could really be about any relationship as the subject of the song is calling out to someone possibly to take them on a new adventure or start a chapter. I get the impression that it could be about rescuing or helping someone given some of the lyrics in this track which are absolutely splendid by the way. A few that stuck out to me are:

“If heaven was a sea

I’d take you down with me…

I’m calling out from across a dream

I’m calling out just so you can see

If heaven was a sea

I’d fly you down with me

I’d show you how to breathe”

Calling out to show someone the way or to help guide them back from a path they are on that may not be a good one. Regardless of what it means to you it is a gorgeous song and the accompanying music video to me alludes to this transformative journey that two people are taking. It is a marvelous video that you should definitely check out.


In addition to the fantastic music he creates Hadi also makes fantastic artwork which you can check out here


Tyler Levs – Worry bout that (In the Morning)

Before I discuss the new track, I have to mention a big failure of mine from last year and that is the fact that I never talked about the album “Songs for Being Alone”. It is an entire album full of sublime tracks that magnificently capture what it’s like living in isolation; the kind of things you think about and the thoughts that may cross your mind. You should definitely check it out I will be discussing it in more detail in an upcoming post. Find the album here

I positively love the introduction to this track; Tyler has the uncanny ability of hooking me within the first few seconds of a song every single time. Despite the title of the track I don’t get the impression that the song is actually about taking a forget about the consequences approach to life. Though throwing caution to the wind seems to be a theme within the track. Nearly two decades ago I was given a piece of advice from someone I admire and it was this “sometimes the meaning of life is just to enjoy the moment.” That embodies much of the message I took away from this song. You can’t sit around waiting and wishing for things to be different or you can instead find ways to enjoy your life regardless of the circumstances. Decide what you want to do and then go out and do it. This requires you take control and change the things that you can in order find joy and fulfillment in spite of what may be happening around you which may be out of your control as well as appreciating the things you have in your life that are good. Tyler aced it once again with this track; I am consistently impressed with everything he releases.


Empathic Opus


Nocturnal Reflections