Manic Pixie Dream Girl

Taryn Hadfield a singer-songwriter from the western United States has a marvelous sound that is equal parts folk, rock and pop.

Once you discover who you are nobody can take that away from you. The journey towards that discovery is never an easy one and to me that is what Manic Pixie Dream Girl is about; one person’s journey to not only find themselves but embrace who they are. I for one thoroughly enjoyed the journey.


The production throughout this album is stellar; it has such a superb rock sound. I love all the instrumentation that is utilized. It's a magnificent homage to the roots of rock music. It gives me that kind of old school vibe of music that was made before machines and synths became all the rage, when what you heard was just the instruments being played. It is also reminiscent of the folk music I remember hearing in my house when I was young, those were simpler times. It is no small feat to release your own music and releasing an entire album is all the more impressive. What a fantastic achievement to release a debut album that is so completely spectacular.

The album has outstanding progression and is also chalk full of accessible and engaging lyrics. I would like to highlight just a few. “Not Sorry” is an anthem for being who you are and not apologizing for it. It speaks of not only disregarding others who may try to put you down but also ignoring the nagging voice in your head that wants you to believe you are not good enough. I know it seems obvious that I couldn’t be the one who experiences this but sometimes you can feel that way. So, it is nice to hear others talk about it so I can assure myself I am not alone. I quite enjoyed the lines:

“Took me twenty-two years to realize

That mean little voice only fed me lies

It's gonna eat me alive.”

When I was younger and even less intelligent than I am currently I tried way too hard to please everyone. I eventually learned that not only was this impossible it was also really stupid. That is what I feel this next line is talking about:

“Not sorry for speaking too loud

Not sorry for letting you down.”

This is such an amazing track with a truly compelling message.

“Does It Make You Happy” has such an explosive ending that is just outstanding to listen to each and every time. “Mixed Signals” contains a magnificently powerful message: “I have learned to love the sound of walking away with my feet on the ground.” I find listening to this song so empowering. Learning to walk away from situations whether they be a job, a relationship or something else entirely when they are no longer good for you is a lesson that I surely learned the hard way if only I’d heard a song like this that spelled it out so clearly when I was young. Might have saved myself a whole lot of heartache.

“Ghosts” is calming and peaceful yet chilling all at once and I love it. With lyrics that read:

“These ghosts trapped inside my heart

Just tearing me apart

Oh, my love I must confess

I’m laying you here to rest.”

I of course don’t know the context of this song but it reminds me of the intense struggle I had learning to let go of someone I loved dearly. You have to learn how to hold a piece of them with you without letting it weigh you down as if you’re bound with massive chains making nigh impossible to live your life. Loss is something that is so unique to each person but one thing is consistent: it carries with it some of the most immense pain a person can experience. It is truly unimaginable, until you feel it yourself you cannot know what it's like. This song brought many things to the surface, some of which I hadn’t thought of in a long while; I felt like I’d been emotionally purified after listening. 

I was thrown for a loop in the best way with the last track of the album. Upon seeing the title “Siren” I figured that it would be about someone luring you into a relationship, a situation, something that wasn’t good. There are many songs written around this theme and there is nothing wrong with that, many of those songs are great. However, as I listened, I quickly realized that it is actually from the perspective of the siren and I thought to myself “damn this is brilliant”. As has been the case throughout this album the lyrics to this track are spectacular.

“There's plenty of fish in the sea

Now why are they so scared of me

Are you in love with me or are you just drowning
Such a sweet melody but there’s dangers in the deep…

Always the hunter, never the hunted

Used to wanting, never wanted…

So are you in love with me or are we just downing

Clinging to anything to help us breathe.”

This track paints a striking picture as it flips the whole siren concept I had in mind on its head in the very best way. 

With this album Taryn Hadfield is showcasing her ability to write music that is as captivating as it is soul-stirring. Each and every track weaves such a masterful narrative that I feel myself transported into whatever situation it is speaking of. Manic Pixie Dream Girl is equal parts infectious and affecting. After nearly two hundred listens I am still finding new things to appreciate.

Taryn performs on Twitch three times a week; click the link below to find out when you can catch a live stream.


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