Like falling dust


The profundity of emotion in this track astounds me. It contains a brilliant blend of both chill and delicately upbeat pop sound; with lyrics that mesh a fear of reclusion and expectantly looking toward the future. Toeing the line between melancholy and enthusiasm isn't an easy task but this track not only manages to do that but it does so magnificently.

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yours /


When it comes to love situations that contain a precarious balance between following your heart and the fear of isolation. I am inveigled by the way these two different thoughts contrast each other. The subject of the song is allowing themselves to dream as they build up the determination to declare their love but there is a sliver of doubt in them. They are thinking through all the what ifs, what if their dream just does not come true. What if the other person just doesn’t feel that way. The list goes on, it is difficult to not sike yourself out thinking of all the what ifs. This is a track to listen to when you find yourself awake late at night thinking those pensive thoughts that only come to a person on restless nights.   

There were several parts of the song that stuck out to me so clearly from the very first listen which I want to talk about.

“When you wake up do you think of me?

‘Cause you’re in my head and in my dreams

And I know you don’t need anything

But if you want someone I hope it’s me”

“On every shooting star I see

I wish for you to wish for me

Like falling dust might guarantee

That your heart could be mine for keeps”

I feel sympathetic to these lyrics. I would venture to guess that most of us have experienced these same feelings before at least once. I enjoy the way this cleverly describes what it’s like to hope that someone you have feelings for feels the same. I love this section about shooting stars; not only how authentic it feels but also how ingenious the lyrics are “like falling dust…” That line is just so incredibly sincere, and it strikes like an emotional left hook every time I hear it. 

“I think that we could just get along

I think that we could be better off

I think you’re sleeping on love too much

And it’s just time to be waking up

I know I’m coming on way too strong

I’m scared our time will be come and gone

I think you should know how I feel”

These lyrics feel like an astonishingly real string of thoughts. In fact, I feel like I have had these exact same thoughts before. I admire this track as all of it has that same genuine feel, it is filled to the brim with truth.   

“‘Cause I wanna be yours

Only yours

The one I can turn to

The one you adore

Can you be mine

And I’ll be yours

Don’t want nothing more

Just wanna be yours”

In my experience with pensive late-night thinking sessions, they typically do not end with me solving any of the issues I am pondering on and yet they still feel productive. For me, this track ending with the chorus isn’t a way of saying that they ended in the same place they started. Instead, it’s a reassurance that despite all what if’s they still want to be bold and declare their affection. As a hopeless romantic I suppose that I just want to believe that the individual in this track is more emotionally daring than I am at least much of the time.


A Memory Garden


Reminiscing & Reflection