New Stranger

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New Stranger

This track has an truly superb introduction, I love creativity present in all different sounds used. What this song brings to my mind is thoughts and feelings of self-discovery and reinvention. This is something that has happened a number of times to me; where I get comfortable being myself in another aspect and begin acting accordingly. Often the change is so vast that you feel like a new person. Milestone’s in your life can inspire such change. Relationships being one of those things; sometimes in a good way as a person can get you to open up or in a negative way as a part of you is buried down deep until the relationship ends. Regardless of the reasoning it is invigorating to feel confident in expressing yourself and feeling at home in your own skin.

Comfort Zone

“I think your eyes are being honest but your words never match up.” For some reason that I am not entirely sure of I don’t get the sense that this has to do with lying but rather recognizing that there is more to a person than they are letting on. “It’s a dance I know well as thick as blood”. A dance of sorts between two people possibly when a relationship could be brewing or at least you hope it is.

“I hate the guessing

why aren’t you giving me more,

pull me into the unknown,

out of my comfort zone.

If I had to guess,

I’d say you don’t care how this goes,

am I powerless or just scared of being all alone.”

I am thoroughly impressed with the storytelling of this track it creates such a clear picture of this relationship and the people involved. As I have listened more and more I have found myself filling in even more details and creating this detailed narrative based on what’s happening. You are given so much to think to about in a short time if you really dive into everything that is being said as well as what is written between the lines. It is truly outstanding writing. I get the feeling that not only with this track but the album as a whole was very carefully crafted. There is so much attention to detail. The story that each track tells and the way they all fit together. I feel this album is one magnificent tale about the human experience; what it is like to live, learn, love and grow. It is fantastic.

Click to visit Carmela’s website

Born to Lose You

“Do you even need me would you even miss me at all? I was born to love you even though its hard to love you if I had another chance I would fight to keep you…I feel you slipping away maybe I was born to lose you.” This is what looking at a relationship with the gift of hindsight can be like. This song is cleverly structured the turn that it takes at the end hits hard. I think the fact that it comes at the end is outstanding. In my mind it is mirroring what the described relationship is like; when you are with someone who is not the best for you it can take some time to realize and also take time to convince yourself it is not the best thing even once you have discovered it. I cannot speak for everyone but I always seem to think that there is something I could to make things work perhaps if I did this differently etc. There are times where perhaps that was or is the case but it is not so in the relationship that is being described. This is such an expertly crafted track!


This song is so fantastically upbeat and fun. I have found it impossible not to bop my head to the beat as I listen. It feels like some how happiness was bottled up put into this song; it makes me want to find things in life to enjoy and appreciate wherever I can find them. It also reaffirms my commitment to not trying to hide any of my quirks but rather to embrace them. It is a truly enjoyable track that contains a number of messages that feel quite pertinent.

Grow the Garden

“Give me the answers you hide in your mind,

open the door let us see what’s inside

Offer your hand and I’ll offer you mine…

We don’t have to be all alone,

we can write the rules while we go,

we reap just what we sow,

you grow the garden and I’ll build the home”.

This track gets me every time. It is truly astonishing the way it manages to weave together this wonderful tale of two people living their lives together in just four minutes time. This track has this light and ethereal sound to it which fits so perfectly with what I imagine the track is about. The first I heard it I was reminded of the introduction to “Up” as I imagined the lives of these individuals lives playing out in a flash. Also like “Up” this track causes me to feel things. I see real emotional depth in the lyrics of this track. This track paints this beautiful portrait of what a great relationship is like. It speaks of feelings being exchanged; a work load that is being shared. I get this wonderful sense of equality and stability. I am sure that I am missing much of what this track has to offer but in spite of my shortcomings I find listening to this song to be a really enjoyable experience. Yet another example of unforgettable songwriting.

This is the kind of album I don’t come across all that often; one where each track builds on each other and they all work together to form such an extraordinary narrative. Due to this fact I don’t want to listen to the tracks out of order. Doing so really changes the experience of listening and the way the album seems to strike a chord in farthest reaches of my soul. This album is a prime example of why I love independent musicians. There are signs of corporate influence, nothing is done simply to try and get more likes or generate buzz. Everything is done deliberately and purposely in order to best tell the story that the songwriter wants to express. I have tremendously adored the time that I have spent diving into this album and I look forward to discovering more of its hidden gems in the future.

Click for Carmela’s Twitch page




Summertime Serenades