Face Everything And Rise


Sarah Lightman

When I first heard Sarah what immediately stuck out to me was her extraordinarily warm and smooth vocal timbre, accompanied by a fantastic accent. She has a phenomenal ability to project the emotions of a song whether it be one she has written or otherwise. Cycling through her Spotify library was a remarkable experience. I am anxious to hear whatever comes next. I genuinely love seeing the way in which artists evolve over time. 

Find Sarah streaming live on Twitch

Fear & Interlude


Fear & Interlude ~


Click the image to listen on Spotify


Fear - I truly love the unrestrained emotion present in this track all the different parts come together in a way that causes you to really perceive all the different emotions being felt by the subject of the song: pain, confusion, sadness and yet also a bright sense of hope. It is easily to understand the basis of the track yet the complexity of it is also readily apparent.

Trust Me - This song has so much to say and I am sure I am missing quite a lot of it. I find it to be so moving and also to be full of so much meaning as if somehow what it’s not saying is telling as much of a story as what it is saying if that make any sense. It’s one of those songs that really caused me to sit and think.


Click to listen


So Good - So much fire in this tracks lyrics from the very start, with a beat to perfectly match it. I always enjoy songs pertaining to empowerment such as this especially when you can easily discern that coming through the vocals. My experience has been that I often take too much crap from people and this is especially the case when it comes to love. Enough has to be enough at some point and this track is a reminder that you should remove things from your life if they don’t build you up.

There was another track from this album that I also wanted to highlight but I was unable to find the words; this track hits quite close to home for me. During the first listen I found myself quietly sobbing the entire time. I am truly incapable of describing how I felt while I listened to the words and felt what it was describing. Perhaps I am wrong in saying this but I think that sometimes you can feel emotions that are so forceful and potent they cannot be expressed but instead they just have to be felt.


Profound Thoughts / / Compelling Feelings


Young Man Blues